Tuesday, July 13, 2010

{ (Day 2) God's Hand in Our Luck }

Hello Everyone,
This morning after our run, Micah and I headed back to her house to start our Bible Study. Last night I made some of my Mom's Blueberry muffins. They are seriously the BEST blueberry muffins ever! Sadly I forgot to get a picture of them. While we ate our muffins we started sermon number two called "God's Hand in Our Luck". It was so good! Today we meet Boaz, who was a relative of Elimelech. Verse one tells us that he was a worthy man. Meaning he was a man of standing and most likely a man of wealth. His name meant strong. I think it's cool how throughout the book of Ruth they give you the meaning of the names. Now that Naomi and Ruth were in Bethlehem they had nothing left. No money and no food. Ruth then tells Naomi that she is going to go and glean in the fields. For Ruth to do this as a foreign woman was taking a big step of faith. It wasn't the safest thing for her to do, but she trusted that God would take care of her. Once again Pastor Mark talked about God's hand of Providence, he talked about how even when it didn't look like it, God was still at work. It was Providence that led Ruth to the field of Boaz. Now we move on in the story to when Boaz first meets Ruth. Mind you she isn't looking her best, she has been working in the fields most likely she is covered in dust and sweat. It makes me think about how appearances aren't everything. : )

Three things stood out to me in their first conversation.

{1} Boaz  told Ruth that he had told his men not to touch her, by doing this he was offering her safety. He also told her when she was thirsty she could go and drink of the water that his men had drawn, by doing this he is also taking care of her needs.

{2} Boaz was treating her like a sister. Which according to Paul is how young men are supposed to treat un-married young women. (1st Tim 5:2)

{3} After Boaz tells all of these things to Ruth she asks him a question in verse 10.

Then(G) she fell on her face, bowing to the ground, and said to him, "Why have I found favor in your eyes, that you should(H) take notice of me, since I am a foreigner?"

It makes me wonder if she had ever had someone treat her like this. 

Boaz answered by saying this:

11But Boaz answered her,(I) "All that you have done for your mother-in-law since the death of your husband has been fully told to me, and how you left your father and mother and your native land and came to a people that you did not know before.

I love his response. It really makes you think of how important it is to be a woman of character. What we do does count. I want to be a woman of character like Ruth. Her character spoke to him before she ever even spoke a word to him.

Another thing that stood out to me was when Pastor Mark talked about how there are two things that can happen with prayer. Sometimes prayer moves the hand of God, and other times it changes the heart of who is praying. I love this! Also sometimes God uses us to answer the prayer we are praying, we just have to be open to be used by Him.

That's all I am going to write tonight, I am very tired and in need of sleep. Tomorrow morning is going to come quickly.

Here is the intro for tomorrows sermon.

I hope you all have a wonderful day tomorrow!

In Him,


  1. Hi Tressa,

    You hit all the points that I thought were really great in the message...

    I may have mentioned it before, I don't remember,but I lived in Europe for four years and 3 months all total...and I remember a German friend of mine remarking how I could just up and move to a new country. Well, it was "easy"...I made the choice, trusting God to make that a great time of study abroad. Well, anyway, it's not like Ruth entirely..no way...but I feel like she must have been excited and scared...

    I'm still amazed that she just up and went with absolutely nothing...except God and Naomi...but it was enough. yeah, I thought it was really interesting that Pastor Mark pointed out Ruth's literal outward appearance when she first meets Boaz. She would have been really dirty and raggedy after all that work...and that was her only set of clothes, was what she had on her. ..however, another interesting note is that she never complained about that. She just did what she had to do to provide for her and Naomi. She worked hard...and that was important. I love that Boaz recognized that too...
    ...because I don't know about you but sometimes I feel like I look more like Ruth all grimy working hard in that field, than I do wearing the clothes/makeup :) :)...and how awesome that Boaz saw that. He recognized what was truly valuable and of worth in her!!!

    Oh yeah...and Ruth "happened upon...."...that phrase is so cool...everything "just happened" because God orchestrated it to bring about a huge blessing :) :) :) So cool...

    I love how Boaz treated Ruth...Every woman deserves to be treated that way. I like how she stayed committed to her family...and trusted God to provide for her and Naomi. He does that and more....

    I'm so encouraged that you are a young woman who is choosing to follow after God...you and Micah both!!!

    I was really intrigued that their prayers were for other people and never themselves. I'm going to try that and just see what happens. I know God will hear my prayers...but I like the idea of just thinking of others, even in my prayers...Oh...and I love how when you pray for someone, maybe god is making you the person who can bless that person you're praying for!!!..Ooopss..that's a bit of a tongue twister..but I think you know what I mean :) :) :) just do it, go out and bless someone because you have the resources and you can :) :) :) that's awesome.

    Alrighty, thanks for another great post...and for telling me about this Bible study...a couple of ladies who follow my blog are interested. I'm hopiong they'll follow. I also posted a link on my Facebook page for the messages, in case anyone wants to listen!!!

    Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :) :) :)

  2. Heather~ That is really cool that you got to live in Europe. One of my good friend and her family were able to live in England for a year. They really enjoyed it. (you can check out her blog here- http://glorifyhimwitheverybreath.blogspot.com/ )

    It is very amazing that she was able to fully trust God with everything.

    I'm glad we have been able to encourage you. It's definitely not always the easiest thing to do, and I mess up at times. I'm just thankful that the Lord loves me.

    That is something very cool about the book. Yep, I know what you mean.

    You are very welcome. I'm glad you love it.

    Oh and Thank YOU for coming to my blog and blessing me with your comments. : )

    <3, Tressa

  3. Tressa...
    thanks for the link to your friend's blog. I decided to join it!!! I think in spite of the age difference, I love hearing from other women who love Jesus :) :)

    Okay, I have to watch Part III...I"m a little late!!! My dad went to hear an older Christian band from the 60s/70s called "The Lovesong"...so I get the apartment to myself tonight :) :)

    Hugs, Heather :)
